GEMS FirstPoint School is an inspirational centre of enterprising education where staff, parents
and students work collaboratively to embrace the opportunities and challenges of learning,
continually striving to exceed their personal best and enjoy academic, sporting, creative and
technological success.
Our Mission
Our school is located in The Villa community, and offers the National Curriculum for England for
children from Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 13.
The school fosters a “personal best” culture, promoting self-confidence, initiative and leadership in
all our young people. At GEMS FirstPoint School we encourage debate, participation, and a spirit of
inquiry, helping each of our students to discover and maximise their gifts and talents. We create a
sense of adventure and our modern learning environments stimulate creativity and innovation.
Our curriculum is designed to offer a full, broad and balanced range of learning opportunities both in
and out of the classroom, with an emphasis on enterprise, computing and technology. Uniquely, we
offer all students from Year 1 onwards specialist computing and programming lessons. Similarly these
children also get access to trained technology teachers and high-quality learning spaces, such as our
robotics and electronics laboratory.
When combined with world class qualified teachers and a supportive and caring pastoral system,
GEMS FirstPoint School is able to ensure that every child achieves their personal best.
A “Personal Best” Culture